Vlad Murnikov dba mxDesign

Innovation rooted in Tradition

mxDesign provides a variety of yacht design services for our clients, including, but not limited to:

Conceptual and preliminary design
Exterior visualisation, styling and detailed design
Interior design
Space planning and general layout design
We enjoy being part of a team effort, working closely with naval architects, engineers, and boat yards in bringing to life our clients dreams
A collection of our past, curent and future projects, all done with passion and desire to open new grounds in boat design.

For the most part, technological advancement is result of careful and slow evolution. But ever so often a revolutionary idea suddenly emerges, connecting elements of the prior development into one harmonious whole, and uniting advanced engineering solutions with amazingly beautiful appearance of the resulting design.
Yacht designer Vlad Murnikov is a man who thinks in categories of revolution not evolution, who generates highly innovative ideas and wraps them up in the exquisitely elegant forms never seen before.
Almost three decades ago he designed the first and the only entry from the Soviet Union – a racing yacht FAZISI – into the Whitbread Round the World Race. It was an unforgettable event in the history of sailing when an unknown designer presented to the global sailing community one of the most advanced sailboats of the time, a boat capable of competing against the world’s elite. During the race FAZISI demonstrating the second best daily ran – 386 miles in 24 hours – a phenomenal result for that time.
Later on, while working for the world-renowned boat builder Ted Hood in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Vlad gained experience in designing entirely different type of vessels – luxury powerboats and cruising super yachts. Elegant classic proportions and sophisticated interiors developed to the very specific owners requirements are the characteristics of the yachts designed by Vlad Murnikov for Ted Hood Boatbuilders.
Vlad’s venture into high performance dinghy design resulted in 25+ knots mxRay (more than 300 were produced) and its sequel mxNext boats, and for the first time brought fun and speed of asymmetric spinnakers into the single-handed dinghy arena.
Vlad Murnikov’s most recent projects include SpeedDream concept – monohull capable of competing with multihulls in real offshore conditions, a high performance cruising catamaran mxCat-88 Volante, featuring hydrofoils and wing sails for a forward-thinking Australian client and sophisticated and elegant Golden-21 powerboat - an attempt to reinvent the classic runabout